Single - chip light - emitting diode source SCM control from the beginning of the most basic.
——期刊摘选The display may be liquid crystal or light emitting diode.
——期刊摘选Is engaged in an LED light - emitting diode devices and development, production and sales of integrated enterprise.
是一家从事LED发光二极管发光器件研发 、 生产、销售一体的企业.
互联网The principle, design, characteristics, fabrication of photonic crystal microcavity light - emitting diode and their devices were presented.
介绍了光子晶体微腔发光二极管的基本原理 、 计 、 性 、 作及其典型器件.
互联网Will the LED light - emitting diode customs codes? and the ratio of export tax rebate, thank you!
请问 发光二级管 LED的海关编码? 和出口退税比例, 谢谢!
互联网Through the parallel port 8255 A to control LED brightness light - emitting diode out . 2.
互联网Right now few cars have LED ( light - emitting diode ) headlights, but more will come, he said.
现在有一些车的LED ( 发光二极管 ) 灯, 但多来, 他说.
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